Cross platform file sharing is easy when you use Zapya. Zapya allows you to seamlessly transfer files of any size and of any format to other platforms without the need for a wire or cable. Keep reading to learn how.
Android to PC
On the PC:
- Click “Create Hotspot Group”
- Ask others to either scan the QR code on your device or search for the group under “Join Group”
On the Android Device:
- Click “Join Group” on the “Connect to Share” screen
- Click on the avatar of the group or scan the QR code
- When the “Connect to Device” pop-up appears, click “Connect”
Android to Mac
On Both Devices:
- Open Zapya
On the Android Device:
- Click “Join Group” on the “Connect to Share” screen
- Once the avatar for the Mac appears on your radar, click on it
Android to iOS
On the Android Device:
- Click “Create Group” on the “Connect to Share” screen
- Ask others to either scan the QR code on your device or find your avatar on their radar
On the iOS Device:
- Click the “Scan” icon that is located on the top right corner of the “Home” screen
- Align the QR code within the frame
- Click “Connect”
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