With Zapya Transfer, you can now share and convert files all in one place! When you login to your Zapya Transfer Free Account or Zapya Transfer Pro Account, you have the option to convert files after you upload them or when you receive files from someone else. How convenient is that?
Whenever you use the online file conversion feature, you can rest assured that the original file will remain unchanged in case you wish to download it in its original form. This means you can go back and download the file in its original form after you change the format, the size, etc. No matter what function of the online file conversion feature you choose, Zapya Transfer will create a new file according to your selection for you to download it
Zapya Transfer Free Account users can use the online file conversion feature four times a month. If you want unlimited access to the online file conversion feature, please upgrade your Zapya Transfer Free Account to Zapya Transfer Pro. After creating or logging into your Zapya Transfer Free Account, simply click on the “Upgrade” button located in the top right-hand corner of your screen. Then click the “Upgrade Now” button underneath the subscription plan you would like to sign up for and then a pop-up will appear so that you can process your payment via PayPal.
Zapya Transfer expands your online file sharing capabilities to include online file conversion. What are you waiting for? Create an account on Zapya Transfer today!
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